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Would protect the rights of corporations over those of human beings, Would take children from their parents and put them in cages, Would suppress innovation that addresses the Climate Crisis, Would lie, even though their lies killed innocent people, Would tax the poor in order to further enrich the rich, Would pass laws that suppressed the rights of others, Would instigate an insurrection to attempt a coup, Would legalize bribery in our political systems, Would steal money meant to feed the oppressed, Would create wars for their personal gain, Would refuse to regulate gun violence, Would commit treason to gain power, Would fight against democracy, Would assassinate President John Kennedy during a parade in broad daylight, And THEN suppress and lie about CRITICAL EVIDENCE in order to hide the fact that ...


I have been seeking an answer to that last question for over six decades. After pursuing every dead-end lead I could find, I finally, about fifteen years ago, found and read an article that not only answered that last question but all of the others, as well! In fact, that article answered questions I had never even thought of! It not only answered my corporation questions but it also answered climate questions, political questions, economic questions, legal questions, historical questions, sexism questions, racial questions, sociological questions, religious questions, media questions, explanations for wars and so much more! I now feel passionately that it is critical — for the survival of all life on this planet — that the vast majority of our unwitting members of humanity not only be urgently educated regarding the preventable horror we are now racing toward, but also be provided with ONE solution that opens the doors to multitudes of other solutions! About four years ago, with the goal of saving all of us uppermost in my thoughts, I began creating what has become a series of web pages. They are designed to explain what has been plaguing humanity throughout all recorded history and that we must first identify and then isolate these particular men who are now threatening all life on our planet! With that in mind, at least take a few minutes to read the same article which answered my questions regarding – WHAT KIND OF MEN. It is the vital first link on "The Problem" webpage, which is listed below. That vital link begins with, “Research studies have shown ..." The Problem: The Solutions: The World Crisis/Reset: As Abraham Lincoln biographer Albert J. Beveridge noted in 1928: "Facts when justly arranged interpret themselves. They tell the story. For this purpose a little fact is as important as what is called a big fact. The picture may be well-nigh finished, but it remains vague for want of one more fact. When that missing fact is discovered all others become clear and distinct; it is like turning a light, properly shaded, upon a painting which but a moment before was a blur in the dimness." Respectfully, Terry & the group at No More Insanity Help us save ourselves from ourselves! Email: seeking[AT]nomoreinsanity[DOT]org *To be fully detailed in my forthcoming book, Motive And Coverup.